Why (I Think) Mother Teresa REALLY Became a Nun

Perhaps the only thing worse than a Taco Bell bathroom is modern dating, seeing as both are very risky and full of shit. From a young age, we’re suffocated with the idea that we will embark on adulthood and cross paths with the love of our life. He will romantically sweep you off your feet … More Why (I Think) Mother Teresa REALLY Became a Nun

How ‘The Notebook’ Ruined Relationships For Women Everywhere

Noah Calhoun- A young girl’s first love. He was God’s greatest gift to women, until the non-spillable wine glass caught wind, and it was Ryan Gosling’s convincing performance and Nicolas Sparks’ word porn that created the biggest lie to plague our impressionable hearts. However, being swooned by such a powerful love story would inevitably lead … More How ‘The Notebook’ Ruined Relationships For Women Everywhere